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Decoration since 1995 - Import Export Manufacturer

Very Wood / FURNITURE / Bench, Armchair / Deckchair Rio

Deckchair Rio / Deckchair Rio
Deckchair Rio / Apercu n 1 Deckchair Rio / Apercu n 2 Deckchair Rio / Apercu n 3 Deckchair Rio / Apercu n 4 Deckchair Rio / Apercu n 5
Meridian, Sofa, Bed, Deckchair, Rest bed, Bench, wooden seat. This unique piece is made in only one piece of wood, neither screw neither nails ! You can find a grey patina natural on the sides, then i made a work of sanding and finish on the top. This root of balayong wood will sublimate your inside as your outside ( just by applying a protection of type "varnish boat" ).

Dimensions :
Height of seat : 39 cm
Height total : 77 cm
Long : 208 cm
Large : 120 cm

Réference : RIO.H7

article fait main Fait à la main en Bretagne !
Tags : chaise longue, bois, furniture, massif, roots, racine, meuble jardin, garden, rest bed, bed, wooden seat, wood, unique piece, deckchair, meridian line, bench, root furniture, haut de gamme, chaise longue, banquette, bois, wood,